In version 1.0.0 the major changes were made by Christian Foltin and Eike (for spell checking).
Version 0.9.0 is released with the help of many people, but the major changes were made by Christian Foltin and Dimitri Polivaev.
Version 0.8.1 is a bug fix release that makes FreeMind Java6 compatible.
Version 0.8.0 is released due to the major contributions of Christian Foltin and Dimitri Polivaev, quality and documentation support of Daniel Polansky, our translators, our linux packager Eric Lavarde and many others.
Up to the version 0.4, FreeMind was developed by J・スrg M・スller. J・スrg has not only started the project, he has also done a very good registration on Open Directory and designed the architecture that is still in use today.
The versions 0.5 and 0.6 have been developed by Daniel Polansky.
The credit for the version 0.6.5 goes mainly to Petr Novak of Brno, with smaller contribution of Daniel Polansky.
The credit for the version 0.6.7 goes mainly to Dimitri Polivaev and Christian Foltin, with smaller contribution of Daniel Polansky.
The credit for the version 0.7.0 goes mainly to Christian Foltin, with smaller contribution from Bob Alexander, Alex Dukal, Andrew Iggleden, Takeshi Kakeda, Dimitri Polivaev, Daniel Polansky and Knud Riish・スjg・スrd.
Version 0.7.1 is a bug fix version of 0.7.0 including auto-save with contributions by Christian Foltin, Daniel Polansky and a patch by Dimitri Polivaev.
Credit for the Installation Guide goes to Robert J. Alexander and the Windows Installer to Andrew Iggleden together with those behind Inno Setup and ISTool.
According to J・スrg, various smaller contributions are due to Sebastian Fischmeister – misc patches, Jean-Luc Deladriere – french support, Jared Rhine – no longer used perl script freemind2html, Richard Krutisch – author of MAK. Hauke Helmers – the images, Rainer Janssen – time and Jost Schenck – author of MyMap.
Finally thanks to all those who contributed in some way to making this the great product it is.